Coopérative de Soutien à domicile de Laval

Coopérative de Soutien à domicile de Laval

312-A, boul. Cartier Ouest, Laval , QC H7N 2J2

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Learn more about Coopérative de Soutien à domicile de Laval

“People we help, a job we love”

The Coopérative de Soutien à Domicile de Laval
is a not-for-profit organization that provides various home care services to the elderly and those struggling with a loss of autonomy. Founded in 1995 at the initiative of the four Laval CLSCs (local community service centres), the Coopérative de Soutien à Domicile de Laval is a consumer cooperative created by and for its members.

Our team

Our Cooperative has always made the well-being of its team one of its top priorities. To ensure quality services for our members, we must first create and maintain quality jobs. We can therefore count on a supportive and professional team that mobilizes and cooperates each day for the well-being of our members. We take the time to choose our attendants carefully, and once hired, they receive thorough training. We strive to coach and support them each day thanks to our coordinators and home follow-up agents.

Our job isn’t always easy, but we love contributing to the well-being of our own, supporting them, lending them a hand, and, therefore, feeling useful.