GC Brieau

GC Brieau

70 Wellington Sud, Sherbrooke , QC J1H 5C7


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Learn more about GC Brieau

Founded in 2009 in Sherbrooke, GC Brieau has been recognized in 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 as one of the world's top Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and has consistently ranked as the leading MSP in Quebec in the prestigious annual MSP 501 list by Channel Future. GC Brieau specializes in IT services and excels in the deployment and management of cloud infrastructure and managed services.

Since the advent of cloud solutions, GC Brieau positioned itself ahead of the competition by foreseeing this revolution several years before others. Our reputation speaks for itself; our Managed Service Provider (MSP) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) support solutions are among the most efficient in North America. We innovate daily to ensure that we remain among the elite.

With a substantial client base, hundreds of supported users, and numerous projects of varying scale and complexity, we have gained a comprehensive understanding of available technologies. This enables us to deliver customized and high-performing solutions to meet your unique needs.